I am trying to use dd to make a startup usb disk of another operating system. I used the following command: dd if=/home/ghost/Downloads/Zorin-OS-17.2-Core-64-bit.iso of=/media/da2 bs=1m
I am getting an error stating "dd: /media/da2p1: Is a directory". I am not sure how to proceed. I tried to use lsblk hoping I could work around the path but that does not appear to work with bsd.
I found a command of camcontrol devlist but that was not very helpful to me.
Running current up to date version of GhostBSD. Any information you can share with me will be appreciated.
Issues with dd
Re: Issues with dd
umount /dev/da2
umount /dev/da2sp1
gpart destroy -f da2
dd if=/home/ghost/Downloads/Zorin-OS-17.2-Core-64-bit.iso of=/dev/da2 bs=1m
umount /dev/da2
umount /dev/da2sp1
gpart destroy -f da2
dd if=/home/ghost/Downloads/Zorin-OS-17.2-Core-64-bit.iso of=/dev/da2 bs=1m