update to freeBSD CURRENT?
Posted: Sat Jan 04, 2020 5:37 pm
having a strange story: got the freeBSD sources and made a world and a GENERIC current-kernel with llvm-devel10. it installed in single user mode but at the mergemaster -Ui it took half an hour to just press :q and i, probably should have done merge. after this nothing worked anymore, system was open on root, i forced all packages to reinstall with pkg upgrade -f, it downgraded many packages and after reboot the root-system should have been mounted, zfs was ok, but afterwards it hung up completely being errors that I couldn't read, was ### too fast. Was it the entropy, the ELF or whatever, ddb didn't do a core dump. I made another buildworld and installed it but it was a confusion of versions inside the packages I think.
now I did a full new install and as using diazepam and therefore suffering dementia praecox I need again the port for the build-tools of the freeBSD sources. what happens if I don't do the mergemaster after installation?
thx for reply,
now I did a full new install and as using diazepam and therefore suffering dementia praecox I need again the port for the build-tools of the freeBSD sources. what happens if I don't do the mergemaster after installation?
thx for reply,