-> HELP -> FAQ:
Code: Select all
sudo dd if=GhostBSD-3.5-amd64.img of=/dev/sdf bs=1m conv=sync
Code: Select all
dd: invalid number ‘1m’
Can someone please correct the above (homepage) GhostBSD "FAQ" wiki with one of the below corrections ?
first off, you may have to prepare you're usb flash drive, by removing any existing partitions (aka sdx1, or sdx2,...)
If you have "gparted" installed in your Linux then, from a "terminal", simply run:
sudo gparted -> Select your USB drive, (Example: /dev/sdx), then -> "Device " -> "Create Partition Table" (by default it'll create a standard mbr / MSDOS Partition Table):
Here's what does work, ( creating a bootable USB of GhostBSD, using Arch Linux):
Code: Select all
sudo dd if=GhostBSD-3.0-i386.img of=/dev/sdx bs=1M
Code: Select all
dd if=GhostBSD3.5-openbox-amd64.img of=/dev/sdx bs=1M conv=sync
Code: Select all
dd if=GhostBSD3.5-openbox-amd64.img of=/dev/sdx bs=64k conv=sync
Note: Can someone verify if this, in fact, is the case across different Linux distro's (aka Ubumtu, Redhat, ...)?
I verified this on Arch Linux, unfortunately, as we all know, Linux distro's are not "exactly" the same, + some of their "man" pages can be quite horrible.